Course curriculum

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    1. Attire and Hygiene

    2. Handwashing

    3. Proper Glove Use

    4. Basic Food Safety

    5. Cross-contact Food Handling

    6. Proper Food Storage

    7. Receiving and Checking in Orders

    8. The Temperature Danger Zone & Temperature Ranges of Food

    9. Thermometer Calibration

    10. Taking Food Temperatures

    11. Proper Food Cooling Procedures

    1. Basic Kitchen Safety

    2. Chemicals and Sanitation

    3. Dishwashing & Sanitization

    4. Basic Knife Skills and Safety

    5. Batch Cooking

    1. Meal Components

    2. Meal Pattern

    3. Recipe Development

    4. Special Diets

    1. Basics of NSLP

    2. Menu & Nutrition Standards

    3. Spec Sheets and Documentation

    4. Understanding Production Records

    5. Completing Production Records

    6. POS, Line, and Salad Bar Setup

    7. Scooping 101

    8. The Impact of Incorrect Portioning

    9. Second & Adult Meals

    10. Kitchen Duty Organization & Looking Ahead

  • 30 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content
  • You have 90 days from the date of purchase to complete your course.


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